Photograph by Taehoon Kim/Concord Monitor

Irene has inspired thousands over the past three decades through her presentations, lectures, and film. She reminds us all of our ability to make meaningful change through seemingly small gestures, and reminds us that “refusing to be an enemy” and “never being a bystander” makes all the difference in the world. Here is what you can do.

Donate to Irene’s Fund

The Irene Butter Fund for Holocaust and Human Rights Education inspires and supports educational programming about the Holocaust, with a focus on how its lessons can address present-day challenges of “othering” and disregard for human rights in and around Washtenaw County, MI. Applications are due: March 1, 2015 

Invite irene to speak

Irene's favorite audiences are students, especially middle school-age students whose worlds are just beginning to expand. Invite Irene to speak in-person or remote.

Share irene's story


Commit to volunteering 4 hours a Month

That’s it. Research social justice issues important to you in the world or in your local community. Start small. Think about what’s important to you and get involved. For example:

  • Help at a local food pantry

  • Donate time and/or goods for those experiencing homelessness

  • Sign petitions for social justice

Learn about the organizations that Irene believes in deeply

  • Raoul Wallenberg Medal & Lecture: First presented in 1990 by the University of Michigan, the medal has been bestowed on a select number of individuals whose courage, selflessness, and success against great odds personifies Raoul Wallenberg himself.

  • Zeitouna: Promotes the peaceful, just, and sustainable coexistence of the Arab and Jewish peoples through connection, trust, empathy, and action. 

  • The Practice of Tibetan Buddhism: The Pema Chodron Foundation is dedicated to preserving and sharing Pema’s inspiration and teachings in order that they might help us all awaken wisdom and compassion in ourselves and the world around us.

  • Southern Poverty Law Center: Monitors hate groups and other extremists throughout the U.S. and exposes their activities to law enforcement agencies, the media, and the public.

  • Equal Justice Initiative: Confronts racial injustice, advocates for equality, creates hope for marginalized communities, and protects basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society. It was founded in 1989 by Bryan Stevenson, a widely acclaimed public interest lawyer and bestselling author of Just Mercy.

... accept the call to action by speaking out against injustice on your own journey.”
— James F. Johnson, Assistant Principal, Discovery Middle School