Irene Butter Fund for Holocaust and Human Rights Education
The Irene Butter Fund for Holocaust and Human Rights Education inspires and supports educational programming about the Holocaust, with a focus on how its lessons can address present-day challenges of “othering” and disregard for human rights in and around Washtenaw County, MI.
Application due: March 1, 2015
How to Donate to the Fund
With the spike in antisemitism and hate crimes in the past years, your gift matters, for today and the next generation.
CHECK: If you prefer to send a check, please make check out to:
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Ann Arbor
Attn: Robert Deschaine
2939 Birch Hollow Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Please write “Irene Butter Fund” in the memo.
Who established this fund?
Generations After, a group of adult children of Holocaust survivors at Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor, Michigan established this fund as they were inspired by Irene’s kindness, intelligence, passion, and respect for humanity. Irene herself has been a member of this group since 2011 and wrote the foreword to their book, The Ones Who Remember; Second-Generation Voices of the Holocaust.
Where does my money go?
The Irene Butter Fund is housed at the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Ann Arbor (under the umbrella of the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor). Decisions about educational projects supported by the Fund are made by the Generations After steering committee, independently of the Jewish Federation.
Is my contribution tax-deductible?
Yes. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible.
How will my money be used?
The need for education about the Holocaust, with its echoes in present-day human rights violations, is greater now than ever. The Irene Butter fund will offer educational programming about the Holocaust, with a focus on how its lessons can help us address present-day challenges of “othering” and disregard for human rights.
We will continue to honor Irene’s work in speaking out against injustice and racism, fighting for human rights, and building bridges between differing cultures.
Questions about the fund?
Please email Rita Benn (a founding member of the Irene Butter Fund and a member of the Generations After group)
Temple Beth Emeth’s Generations After group (Ann Arbor, MI)
Patti Askwith Kenner
Thank you, philanthropist Patti Askwith Kenner (daughter of University of Michigan alum Bert Askwith, ‘31) who generously kicked off fundraising for the fund with a wonderful contribution and matching gift for new donors. We couldn’t have done this without you!